Skin Revive by Klauds

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BioRePeel Treatment

BioRePeel Provides A Bio-Stimulating And Revitalising Effect

This treatment of BioRePeel is an innovative chemical peel treatment of TCA (Trichloroaetic Acid). It provides and bio-simulating effect. The combination of two components provides results in mild examination by stimulating the biosynthetic process and restoring the structure of the skin.

The Treatment is suitable for:

  • Acne 
  • Fresh Scarring
  • pigmentation Issues
  • Congested Skin
  • Fine lines
What else does it do? It will also:
  • Improve Skin Tone
  • Moisturises lifts an brightens skin
  • Prevents aging of the skin
  • Improves skin texture and colour
  • Promotes cell turnover
The active ingredients of dermofunctionality contribute to a profound stimulation or skin replication and the biosynthetic processes, which is essential to counter the effects of the skin aging and oxidative damage induced by UV radiation and Pollution.

BIO (Bio Stimulation)

Stimulates fibroblasts activity and activates cutaneous proliferation. It is achieved by using the amino acids: Glycine, Proline, hydroxyproline and Vitamin C.

RE (Revitalisation)

Creates anti wrinkling effect and encourages the skin to look healthy with a fresh glow. This is produced by the ingredients Gaba Arginine and Vitamin B2


Removes the outer cells of the stratum by melting the corneocytes adhesion bonds and revealing fresher skin. 

New Technology

Due to renewal technology, this peel can be used by any skin types 1 to 6 unlike previous TCA peels that could only be used by skin types 1-3.

This peel can also be used to treat the face as much as the body!


"Very happy with results I achieved by visiting Klaudia. My face was transformed from tired and old to rejuvenated in half and hour. I found the treatment to be professional as well as caring.She is a highly skilled practitioner."

– Kathryn Kilpatrick.

BioRePeel Treatments FAQ

It is not painful, you may experience slight tingling of the skin

Depending of the skin, you may need 4-6 treatments, every 7-10 days are recommended for a good lasting result

Redness straight after the peel.

Prior to Treatment


Treatment Pricing

Free Consultation    Free

You can call, email or pop in for a consultation

Single     £65.00

Course of Three      £140.00