Skin Revive by Klauds

My services

Botox Treatments

An anti-wrinkle injection, Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxicity protein produced by bacterium clostridium botulinum. The mechanical make up of this toxin blocks acetylcholine release from axon endings of the neuromuscular junction. Botulinum toxin is considered a relatively safe and effective treatment.

It helps to reduce:

  • Facial Wrinkles
  • Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating)
  • Migraines
  • and much more!
Botox works by blocking certain chemical signals from your nerves around the treatment area. It mostly effects the signals from nerves that cause muscles to contract and therefore relaxing the muscles to smooth out lines and wrinkles.
This treatment is provided on prescription only and only for the named client. You will received the Botox injection to the area for improvement. 

"I underwent the lip modelling treatment, I achieved the result. I recommend this place and I will come back."

-Ka Ma

Botox FAQ

Results start being visible around 5 days post treatment, for the full result, is ill take two weeks.

Botox lasts for between 2 – 4 months

Prior to Treatment

Treatment Pricing

Free Consultation 

You can call, email or pop in for a consultation

One Area       £120.00

Two Areas     £180.00

Three Areas   £260.00

Bunny Lines   £50.00

Smokers Lines       £50.00

Marionette Lines   £50.00

Masseter Muscle    £200.00


Hyperhydrosis       £300.00

Excessive Sweating